Welcome to the first Covid Art Museum

Die Welt verändert sich? Die Kunst verändert sich?
Die Welt ändert sich? Die Kunst reflektiert?
Die Kunst verändert sich. Wir werden sehen.

Neue künstlerische Formate entstehen, soviel ist sicher. Hier ein Beispiel aus Barcelona:

The Covid Art Museum is the world’s first ‚museum” for art born during the Covid-19 quarantine. A new artistic movement that was set up by three creatives from Barcelona. The Covid Art Museum is an Instagram page showcasing works from artists around the world represented in the form of illustrations, photographs, animations, videos, and paintings. Some themes suggest fear, isolation but also hope and positivity. If anyone out there wants to express their feelings during this times and you have an artwork you may want to share, you are welcome.