Corona Food Portraits
Von Brini Fetz - hej studio Copenhagen
Nur weil alle Museen und Galerien zu sind, alle Veranstaltungen abgesagt, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass Kunst und Kultur jetzt brach liegen. Gerade in den letzten Wochen haben wir viele Initiativen gesehen, die sich von dieser eigenartigen Zeit inspirieren lassen haben und den Stillstand zur Kreation genutzt haben. Dass es Plattformen gibt, die den Kulturschaffenden eine Bühne liefert ist elementar – und dafür bin ich froh, dass es euch, die Initiative Dornbirn Plus, für uns im Ländle gibt und einen wichtigen Fokus für jetzt und die Zukunft setzt.
Though invisible to the human eye, this virus has left its mark on us and our surroundings.
Empty streets, closed shops, faces hiding behind face masks.
Despite the importance of protecting ourselves from the virus, we felt intimidated and intrigued at the same time by the impact of face masks on our social life. In Western cultures we are not used to covering parts of our faces and the looks of most of the masks reminded us of hospitals and disease.
Face masks do have something sterile, even unearthly to it. Is there a way of creating face masks that are more natural and pleasant? Working with food and design in our daily studio work, we got to think of the many foods that organically wrap around our faces, covering mouth and nose. After playing with cabbage, radicchio and co, we created a Corona food portrait series. These food masks most certainly don’t protect us against any virus. Yet, they might help us draw a friendlier image of this special pandemic.
hej studio is a multidisciplinary food branding and design studio based in Austria and Copenhagen, Denmark.
Models: near family and neighbors, shot with a safe distance.
Concept and styling: Brini Fetz, hej studio
Photography: Felix Bereuter, Berri Productions